Team Ornate SolarHappiness

The Foundation of India’s Leading  Solar Company

Jagdish Goel

Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Goel has over 30 years of experience in the Travel & Automobile Industries. Having entered the travel trade in 1981 – after completing his Post Graduation from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) in 1977 – he established ‘Hans Air Services Pvt. Ltd.’ in 1988, which grew to become the flagship group under which a boutique of International & Domestic Travel Solutions were provided to Customers, Corporates. The group diversified into organized automobile retail and was part of the changing market dynamics of the automobile industry with the introduction of global competitiveness by partnering with Hyundai Motors India as their full range dealers in Bangalore in 1997 and Delhi in 1999 and established itself as their leading franchise.

Aditya Goel

Executive Director

Aditya joined Business after completing his Engineering from IIT Varanasi in 2008, starting his career in the Automobile Trade with the coveted association with Tata Motors Ltd & Fiat India Automobiles in Delhi-NCR. He has first-hand experience of what goes into the ‘Building of a Brand’ and was interviewed by the Respected Dr. Kevin Frieberg to provide insights for his international publication “NANOVATION: How a Small car is teaching the World to Think Big”. A keen follower of the evolving technological trends which are redefining business, and inspired by our Honble. Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi’s call to all citizens to ‘Leave our Country better than we inherit it’, he has embarked upon the mission to promote and establish Solar Energy as an affordable and cost-effective ‘Plurality of Power’ in the coming decade through Ornate Solar’s “Future Energy Solutions”

Anisha Agrawal

Director Planning

Anisha joined business after completing her Masters in Business Economics in 2006 from the Department of Business Economics at the University of Delhi, and was actively involved in managing the operations of Rama Motors’ Hyundai, Tata & Fiat Automobile Dealerships. Keeping a tight control on the Business’ key Revenue Streams and Financial Indices she ensures that operations remain profitable at all times through stringent checks & process controls. With her background in Finance & Economics, Anisha is responsible for the development of Financial models to make Solar Power accessible to Homes, Business owners, Commercial Establishments and Government Institutions alike through Innovative Schemes and strategic partnerships with financial institutions, Banks and Investment Houses.

Bidyut Kumar Bhattacharyya

Chief Innovation Officer

After completing his B.Sc from Presidency College Calcutta & MSc in Physics from IIT KANPUR, Bidyut Finished his PhD from State University of New York at Buffalo. He was also awarded IEEE, Fellow grade in the year 2020. With over 35 years of experience in R&D, he has joined ornate solar to spearhead their venture in inverter development and manufacturing.

Tarini Agrawal

Director Market Strategy

After graduating in History (Hons.) from Lady Shri Ram College,Delhi University , Tarini worked at the Tata & Fiat Automobile dealership for a span of 5 years wherein she was responsible for the administrative and Human Resource department. She also extended her scope of work to the area of sales and customer care satisfaction. Having studied art history which exposed her to many diverse cultures and ways of thinking she seeks to take this learning forward by reaching out to various customer groups being targeted by Ornate Solar.

Rahul Raj

Chief Technology Officer

Rahul Raj graduated from IIT – BHU in 2008. Before joining Ornate Solar, Raj closely worked with data analytics, marketing and corporate strategy divisions of MNCs dealing in chemicals, metal and medicine. Raj has lead data analytics division of Novartis for their US, Netherlands & Germany businesses. He was invited to deliver a TED Talk on the changing landscape of social intersections with the advent of new age communication media.

Arvind Jain

Chief Operating Officer

Arvind Jain has graduated from IIT-BHU. Before joining Ornate Solar Arvind has worked with major leading power plant companies like Reliance Infra, Lanco infra and BGR boilers adding approximately 4000 MW power plant to the nation. He worked for NTPC in building 100MW capacity of solar power plant.

Vikas Rawat
Geetu Bharteja
Ashish Parcha
Raman Kumar
Seema Roy
Seema Roy
Pinky Bose
Rohit Kumar
Neeraj Priyadarshi
Smita Sharma
Meghna Reddy
Ranjana Ranjak
Pooja Singh
Nakul Bisht
Join Our Team

From Hope To Happiness

​We started out with hope, when solar was just getting started in India. There were no rules. No framework. No guidelines.
Over the course of our journey, we’ve built our own guiding principles to create a sustainable, purpose-driven culture with happiness as the key guiding principle.

Our Aim 🙂

Leave the world a better place one Kilowatt at a time

What We Do Today Matters

By 2030, it’s predicted that global warming effects will become irreversible. We have 135 months until the planet passes the point of no return for runaway global warming. What action we take today matters a lot; and we truly believe that every kilowatt of solar plant installed can make a big difference. It’s the little steps that count.

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Solving the solar industries biggest problems.

Ornate Express
Fastest Delivery Guaranteed With Over 26 Local Warehouses
Ornate Guarantee
Solar Industries Most Reputed Support and Service Network
Ornate Solar Plus Partner
Partner with Us and benefit from India’s Vast solar potential
Ornate Solar Assured
Customizable solar accessories for your projects
Ornate Solar InRoof
Turn Panels into the Primary Roof with India’s First Integrated InRoof
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Our Numbers Do The Talking

Because of our focus on customer satisfaction and timely delivery we have grown to be India’s Largest Solar Distributors in a short span of 5 years.

0 Crore
0 MW
Satisfied Customer