GAIL Issued Tender for Consulting Services to Set-Up Solar Projects in Odisha

GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited) has issued a request for proposals to hire a consultant to do a full feasibility study for a greenfield solar project and a green hydrogen and ammonia plant in Odisha. The deadline for bids is February 18, 2022.

Scope Of The Work
The consulting service provider must do critical due diligence on the property identified for solar projects (tentatively 1,000 acres). Collecting, confirming, and assessing solar radiation resource data and local meteorological data, as well as computing energy yield based on direct and diffuse solar radiation, are all part of the scope of work.
A preliminary assessment of the suitability of wind power projects and anticipated generation potential must also be provided by the winning bidder. The consulting firm must give a technical assessment and comparison of various solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies, as well as an estimate of project capital costs, operation expenses, and power production costs.

Bidders must have completed at least one feasibility or techno-commercial study for at least 50 MW of solar power in the previous five years to be considered for the competitive bidding process.

Green Hydrogen And Ammonia

The consulting service provider for green hydrogen and ammonia projects must do a demand-supply analysis of hydrogen and ammonia in Odisha and its neighboring states. The company should provide information on the current infrastructure in Odisha for the export of green hydrogen ammonia and raw materials.

The survey report should also include details on the feasibility of constructing necessary infrastructures, such as storage tanks, pipelines, distribution depots, and port facilities. A list of technology licensors and technology options for project setup should also be provided by the winning bidder. Based on the desktop study, the consultants must estimate the possibility for exports to other nations. They should say how much green hydrogen and green ammonia will take the place of their current uses.

The consulting service provider will also anticipate demand and supply for the next 15 years. Bidders for the green ammonia project must have completed at least one feasibility or techno-commercial study for a green ammonia plant with a capacity of 200 metric tons/day in the previous five years. They should have conducted at least one feasibility study for green hydrogen projects in the last five years.

Financial Criteria
For this tender, bidders are not required to submit an earnest money deposit (EMD). However, within 15 days of receiving the letter of acceptance, the winning bidder must produce a performance bank guarantee for 50% of the contract amount. In any of the previous three fiscal years, bidders’ yearly turnover should have been $9.55 million ($127,873).



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Resource: Mercom India