State-run NTPC Limited (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited) has announced to set up a pilot project on blending green hydrogen with natural gas in a city gas distribution network (CDG) in India. NTPC has issued an Expression of Interest (EoI) to Indian and global companies for setting up this project.
In this pilot project, the technical and commercial implications of the blending and replacement of natural gas with green hydrogen will be analyzed.
13 September 2021 is the last date of the bid submission.
If we talk about the scope of work, it includes:
- design of blending system
- selection of technology for electrolyzer
- hydrogen storage
- supply of all parts of the system
- engineering, erection & testing
- commissioning of the system
- integration with nearby piped natural gas (PNG) pipeline
Selected bidders will also provide maintenance of the system for three years from commissioning & also the part of it, the same bidder needs to collect data and analyze the system’s performance during testing and subsequent operations.
According to the tender document, the interested bidder needs to submit some documents mentioned below:
For Technical Credentials:
- System Catalogs
- Experience Lists of Their Work
- Engineering Strengths
- Quality Accreditations
- Collaboration with Manufacturers
For Financial Credentials:
- Copies of Audited Financial Statements (Last Three Years)
- Credit Rating
- Market Share
- Segmental Revenue in The Applied Categories
NTPC is looking for companies that can provide 100 Standard Cubic Meter (SCM)/day Natural Gas Hydrogen Blending Solution for this pilot project, in future projects, this standard will be up to 20,00,000 SCM/day Natural Gas.
In addition, the capital investment for the purchase, installation, and commissioning of the system will be done by NTPC.
According to the tender document, the required natural gas in the identified cluster is around 100 SCM/Day. The hydrogen requirement would be 5 SCM/day, which would be increased to 20 SCM/day.
NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited) stated, “The hydrogen blending program would be implemented at one of the NTPC townships. This identified cluster uses natural gas purely for domestic cooking.”
The company intends to analyze the commercial feasibility, test the solution at NTPC premises to prove the reliability, develop in-house expertise and subsequently develop a blending solution that can be implemented at a larger scale in other clusters. The blend will substitute part of natural gas and decarbonize the end-use applications using gas.
NTPC is the largest power producer in India. Therefore, it wants to play an important role in the transition to the hydrogen economy of the country, for which NTPC is also issuing several tenders related to green hydrogen utilization.
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