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The Power and Renewable Minister, Mr. RK Singh said, “A committee will be set up having members from all relevant Ministries for implementation of the Roadmap on Energy Efficiency and low carbon technologies.”

Mr. Singh held this meeting through video conferencing to review the progress of various energy efficiency programs and the preparedness for Climate Change Actions in the country.

Mr. RK Singh further said, “A concerted push for renewables is already underway and a detailed action plan will be developed to identify potential areas. a committee/group will be set up having members from all relevant Ministries for implementation of the Roadmap on Energy Efficiency and low carbon technologies.”

Apart from this, Mr. Singh also highlighted the sectors with the highest carbon emission such as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and power plants.

In this meeting, he discussed the activities that are defined under the Mission document called ROSHANEE (Roadmap Of Sustainable and Holistic Approach to National Energy Efficiency), which has been developed for implementing a series of Energy Conservation schemes across the country.

He advised Ministries to ensure the minimum wastage of energy and said, “The deployment of low carbon technologies need to be taken up on a massive scale, especially in the MSMEs, where it is highly essential. For better implementation of all energy efficiency schemes, the institutional mechanism in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, CPSU under the Ministry of Power would be strengthened.”

Besides this, Mr. Singh instructed all the departments that Electric Mobility also should be more aggressively pushed.

Seeing India’s target for CO2 emission reduction, Secretary Ministry of Power, Mr. Alok Kumar said, “The cooling sector, cold storage and cooking are key areas to focus on for successfully achieving our targets for CO2 emission reduction.”

With this, Mr. Singh discussed the possibilities of exploring the shift of Goods movement from Road Transport to Railways.

He stated, “The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has developed two programs namely ROSHANEE and UNNATEE (Unlocking NATional Energy Efficiency potential ) laying down the Sector-wise action plan for the period 2021-2030.
Mission ROSHANEE envisages various activities in the field of energy efficiency across all the sectors of the economy intending to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 550 million tonnes in the country by 2030 whereas UNNATEE is a working document, having short term and long-term action plans for lowering energy intensity.”



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